Public trust and confidence in quality auditing and accounting
Upholding quality corporate reporting and an accountable profession
Excellence – Striving to be the best we can be
Independence – Regulating impartially and objectively
Integrity – Being trustworthy and respectful
IAASA is responsible for the supervision of the accounting profession in Ireland, through oversight of the quality assurance and disciplinary procedures of five Prescribed Accountancy Bodies (‘PABs’).
IAASA is responsible for monitoring whether the financial and sustainability statements of certain listed entities comply with the relevant standards, (in the main International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)).
IAASA has direct responsibility for the inspection of audits and sustainability assurance of Public Interest Entities (‘PIEs’), that is, entities with securities listed on a regulated market, credit institutions and insurance undertakings.
IAASA is responsible for overseeing the Recognised Accountancy Bodies (RABs) in their regulation of statutory auditors and sustainability assurance service providers, including licensing, education, quality assurance of non-PIE audit/assurance and investigation and disciplinary systems.
IAASA is responsible for adopting standards on auditing, professional ethics and internal quality control. Auditors are required to carry out statutory audits in accordance with these standards.
IAASA may adopt assurance standards to be applied to the assurance of sustainability reporting in the absence of European standards. Sustainability assurance service providers are required to perform such engagements in accordance with those standards.
IAASA may investigate matters relating to PIE audit and sustainability assurance. IAASA may also investigate whether prescribed accountancy bodies have carried out their functions in accordance with legislation and IAASA guidelines.
IAASA carries out a range of other activities, including registration and oversight of third country auditors, engaging with our peer European and international counterparts, and advising the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment on key auditing and accounting matters.
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