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How can I satisfy myself that a person and/or firm is properly qualified to provide auditing service
October 5, 2022In order to legitimately act as an auditor under the Companies Acts (i.e. to audit the financial statements of an entity ), a person/firm must be a Registered Auditor. To become a registered auditor, a person/firm must: Be a member of a recognised accountancy body; and have been authorised by that body to act as an auditor … Continued
See more...How do I make a complaint about a prescribed accountancy body/PAB?
October 5, 2022If you have a complaint about a PABs non-compliance with its approved investigation and discipline procedures, the matter can be referred to IAASA. The complaint process Following the receipt of a complaint which indicates an instance of non-compliance with the PABs procedures, if the matter cannot be dealt with by IAASA’s regulatory procedures, then … Continued
See more...What is IAASA’s role regarding complaints against accountants/ auditors or a firm of accountants/auditors?
October 5, 2022Under the model of independent statutory oversight set out in the Companies Act 2014 the Authority’s role is to supervise how the PABs regulate and monitor their members which includes the PABs complaints handling, investigation and disciplinary processes Primary responsibility for the receipt and investigation of complaints relating to the prescribed accountancy bodies’ (‘PABs) members/member firms resides … Continued
See more...How do I make a complaint about an accountant/auditor or firm of accountants?
October 5, 2022If you want to make a complaint about your accountant/auditor or a firm of accountants/auditors, you should initially contact the Prescribed Accountancy Body (‘PAB’) of which the accountant/auditor/firm is a member. Please click here for contact details for the PABs. If the complaint relates to the audit of a Public Interest Entity (PIE), you should refer your … Continued
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