IAASA has published a consultation paper on its draft work programme for the period 2023-2025. Section 910 of the Companies Act 2014 provides that IAASA must prepare and submit a work programme to the Minister of Enterprise Trade and Employment for each successive period of three years. The work programme shall have regard to the need to ensure the most beneficial, effective and efficient use of its resources, and shall include:
• the key strategies and activities that the Supervisory Authority will pursue to further its objects and to perform its functions;
• the outputs that the Supervisory Authority aims to achieve and against which its performance will be assessed;
• the staff, resources and expenditure (including an annual programme of expenditure) that will be required to pursue the strategies and activities.
Stakeholders and interested parties are invited to provide responses to the consultation paper by e-mail only to submissions@iaasa.ie no later than 5pm on 26 August 2022.
The consultation paper is available here
The draft work programme is available here